Professional Partners
Founded in 1898, the National Community Pharmacists Association is the voice for independent pharmacy, representing 19,400 pharmacies and employing more than 215,000 individuals nationwide. Independent pharmacy is a $67.1 billion marketplace. Community pharmacists are local health care problem-solvers who can customize solutions to local health challenges for groups and employers.
Who We Are
We are dedicated to the continuing growth and prosperity of independent community pharmacy in the United States.
We are the national pharmacy association representing the professional and proprietary interests of independent community pharmacists and will vigorously promote and defend those interests.
We are committed to high-quality pharmacist care and to restoring, maintaining, and promoting the health and well-being of the public we serve.
We believe in the inherent virtues of the American free enterprise system and will do all we can to ensure the ability of independent community pharmacists to compete in a free and fair marketplace.
We value the right to petition the appropriate legislative and regulatory bodies to serve the needs of those we represent.
We will utilize our resources to achieve these ends in an ethical and socially responsible manner.

The Virginia Department of Health is dedicated to protecting and promoting the health of Virginians. The central office in Richmond and 35 local health districts work together to promote healthy lifestyle choices that can combat chronic disease, to educate the public about emergency preparedness and threats to their health, and to track disease outbreaks in Virginia.
Under Project InnoVAte, CPPI and VDH are working together to design, test and evaluate evidence-based approaches to delivering clinical and community-based interventions aimed at reducing the risk, complications and barriers to the prevention and control of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in underserved areas of Virginia. Specific approaches include developing new collaborative models between pharmacists and other health care professionals using telehealth to provide remote patient monitoring for patients with diabetes and hypertension, as well as providing the National Diabetes Prevention Program at the VCU Health Hub.
This work is funded through CDC Cooperative Agreements NU58DP006535 and NU58DP006620. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.